Friday, December 18, 2009


Quite excited to watch the premiere, I was. The more I heard about it, the more I desired to watch it, not only because it is a ten years' masterpiece James Cameron, but also for the sound track. I guess this movie is quite suitable for theater or the people have a really fascinating sound studio at home.

As for the story, I might be just so so. This kind of material or story definitely was used before, though I can't remember the specific name. From the beginning, you probably know what will happen next. The whole point of movie is not the story, but all the CG effects with quite harmonious music to create a whole new world, a spiritual world.

Sometime, it is really hard to decide to be the people we want or just ourselves. One might come from the requirement of race, country, society, family or friend; one comes from our heart. How many of us can really tell the reality from dream and have real action, not just wait to be waken up.

PS. I was surprised of the release speed of the OST and thanks for those people who share this fabulous CD.

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