Friday, July 09, 2010

Need sunshine

This is the second week at Santa Monica, a city supposed to be full of sunshine and sea view.
This is the second week that I did not stay in the sunshine in this city.
This is the second week of actually real work.
This is the second week began to receive friends' phone call from South Africa and China.
This is the second week left kaixin001.
This is the second week kept missing sending out the invitation letter to professors.
This is the second week ....
Talked with googler, began to understand their life status and understood what is the meaning between life and work. We could talk about economic statistical model, psychology test, agile programming, all the new technologies, families, cookings. Everyone seems to know what they want in life, which is a quite positive influence.

Miss sunshine and the favor of sun. Before I came here, I thought I could watch sunset and sunrise whenever I want. However, current situation made me homesick....

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